Summer and New Beginnings

Hey Everyone!

So, I am not gonna lie, this Summer has been tough.

Toward the end of July all of my American friends left at one time. Our workload decreased significantly, and I was struggling to fill my extra time. My pastor and my director were gone on vacation for a couple of weeks, and things at the church had quieted down as well. Not only that, but a long time went by without me feeling God’s presence. Things got frustrating.

As I reached low places in my life this Summer, God quietly reminded me of one thing: “Don’t forget the promises I have made you, both in your life and in My word.” Someone gave me a quote the other day and I cannot remember who said it, “Carry into the darkness what God has revealed to you in the light.” So true.

A fresh semester is now beginning, and I am super excited about our new team! Many opportunities are opening up, and God is moving among us.

Please be praying for me as I seek God’s will this week on whether or not to come back in January and stay until July. There are quite a few reasons to do so, but I want this to be something God coordinates, not something I pretend to understand. Thank you all so much for your encouragement and support, and have a wonderful time heading into the Fall!
